Saturday, May 7, 2011

"Momma’s Baby Daddy’s Maybe"

Ladies I know we see it all the time on the Maury Povich show, where women come on there claiming that a man is the father of their child and it ends up not being so. There are some women that have even gone on the show 4 and 5 times only to find out that neither of those men are the father either. What does that say about us as women? Have we allowed ourselves to become so numbed by this oversexed society that we’ve allowed ourselves to falter into such promiscuous behaviors? Not only is this indicative to our oversexed society but it also exemplifies a lack of self love. Would it be safe to say that woman are no longer placing a value on what was once sacred and considered to be a gift for our only our husbands to receive. Notice that I am saying we and us because until we all collectively return back to our morals displaying self respect and dignity we are all going to suffer. We are all having to pay for this as evident by the difficulty women are having finding a husband. Men no longer feel the need to get married because we as women give them everything they need without the commitment.

I hear so many women now justify such actions by saying “men do it all the time why can’t we?” It goes back to what I have written about before, women need to fully understand and embrace their role in order to be successful at gaining the lives they truly desire. No man wants a woman that everyone has had. Men don’t want to commit because they no longer have the trust and faith in knowing that a woman will carry herself in the decent manner that she should.

There have been so many recent incidents with a woman having a loving devoted husband and she has chosen to step outside her union only to end up becoming impregnated by her secret lover. In a situation such as this, who ends up being hurt? Everyone, the woman, because 9 out of the 10 times she was only a good time to the man she chose to have an affair with, the husband who often times has taken care of the child for years only to discover that he is not the father, and the child who never asked to come into this world who ends up finding out the man he/she though was his/her father is not and his or her mother is now considered to be a whore.

Ladies it’s time to get back to the basics. It’s time to love ourselves enough not to even allow ourselves to be considered anything less than a lady. It’s time to start becoming the virtuous women God has called us to be. It’s not too late. It is unacceptable to have a child and have no idea who the father is. It is unacceptable to have frivolous sex. It is unacceptable to not require and or demand love and respect as being the prerequisite before even considering lying down with a man. It is up to use to have more self control and self love then what we have been displaying. It’s not okay to have sex with random men. It is not okay to simply have sex with a man just because you feel like you need and want it. In the long run it’s best to have contained yourselves and saved yourself for your husband. Have something precious to give him. Rare jewels are worth so much because they are limited and not every one has or has had access. Be Blessed!!!!

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