Saturday, January 7, 2012

Happy Happy Joy Joy

So I’m having a terrible week. I’m sure even if you personally are not having a bad day, week, hour, etc even at this moment you can relate to this. And as I sat up being upset I decided maybe I should at least try to turn this into something productive. Hell some of the best artwork – in any form – comes from heartbreak and sadness.
So I sat down at the computer to write and thought hmmm what should I write about? I can’t just write a blog about writing a blog when I’m sad…. Or could I?
I mean how boring of me would it be to just ramble on a blog about how sad I am – wah wah wah my life’s sadder than yours right now wah wah wah! Would anyone really want to read that drivel? Probably not because that would be a total joy kill.
But writing a super happy blog when you’re not super happy is unrealistic and untrue to my current emotional state which I must channel and focus like chi. Hmmm, I can’t write about the bits of drama that have caused this because they are all private matters between me and several other individuals.
Have you ever just felt like “Damn! How am I going to get out of this mess?” You know you’ll make it through because you have to make it through. Life marches on and situations don’t last forever.
Oooo here’s the purpose of the blog. You guys ready for it? It’s a pick me up for the times when we all need a pick me up most. I’m not talking about Red Bull or Starbucks. I’m talking about being able to buck up and fill your completely empty dry buckets. For those not familiar with Kirk Weisler he is a motivational speaker who uses the term “Filling Your Bucket” for those little things that people do sometimes that just restore your faith in humanity for a minute and make you feel good inside. Before someone writes in (out of all one of you reading) I’m not saying he did or did not coin the term. I’m simply stating that is where I first heard it.
First off, when you’re sad what’s the last thing you want to hear as comfort? I think most can agree that cliché’ “It will get better” type statements really just rubs salt on the wound in a way. Maybe try stuff like, "Dude your life sucks lets go forget about it for a while."
Since we’re… I’m talking about how someone can help themselves feel better when in these times we can apply this to ourselves as well. Telling yourself it will get better when things are going badly is necessary but there needs to be action too. Easier said than done, of course. By the way I’m not talking about clinical depression here. I’m not trying to play doctor to anyone here. This is more for those times when you’ve found yourself in some unfavorable situations.
Try to find little bits of joy from activities. Whatever you’re into and makes you happy try it. This may not cure the problem but maybe it’ll take the edge off and give you time off of being sad.
Fix the issues if possible. What caused you to be in the situation? Could it have been avoided? Do you feel responsible for any part of it? Should you? Obviously problems stay problems only as long as you don’t have a solution. Once you have a solution what you have is an obstacle you can easily surmount.
I know it’s not always that easy. As a matter of fact I can’t say I have solutions to all my current issues or that even when I do come up with them that they will all work. If not dust yourself off and try again.
I will leave you with this note. People don’t often, maybe never, make huge accomplishments without some sort of failure before the success. Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom, or at least some mildly bad times, before you can come back and rise to the top. Keep your chin up people because getting off the ride is not an option.

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