Thursday, June 2, 2011

Swimsuit Shopping

Ladies, it's that time of year again. Bathing suit season is once again upon us. First of all it's such a shame that it falls so close after we all have enjoyed sitting in our living rooms all winter and not going to the gym. For those wondering, the gym is this place where people go to torture themselves for sometimes hours in an effort to fit into "the" dress or that outfit, that they have no business in. But I digress.

Yesterday I thought I might get to go swimming and my current bathing suit doesn't fit well these days. I would probably loose credibility here by admitting that it's too big not too small. In my defense I still look terrible in a bathing suit. Those of you who know me know I'm not girly at all, so the hunt is on for a "manly", womanly, two -piece, non bikini that doesn't accentuate every fat roll on my body. Hmmm do they make baggy bathing suits?Guess that wouldn't work, huh?

I decided to hit up a discount clothing store that I shall not name, but it rhymes with BK Taxx. I walked over and found three bathing suits - 2 were one piece but they were Nike and navy blue (fave color for those keeping score). I tried on one of these body traps and let me tell you, getting this thing on was no picnic! Getting it off was even harder! Then I tried on the two piece which was only a little easier to get on. The messed up part part was looking at my fat behind once I had squeezed into the bathing suit, feeling I could pop out of any of these nooks and crannies at any moment. But hey that leaves me room for all the weight I'm going to loose this summer (yeah right). Ladies, I didn't go swimming so I left the tag on. I may take it back if I find something better. Does anyone know where I can find a full body bathing suit?

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