Friday, June 3, 2011

Run Sarah Run - NOT!!!

I will be the first to admit that I never thought I would actually be moved to the point of actually writing a blog post about Sarah Palin, but hell she is forcing my hand on this one. As a self professed political junkie, it is driving me crazy the amount of time the media is giving this woman. The main reason is because I do not understand why. Are ratings that bad that it is more important to follow her around like a lost puppy verses real newsworthy reports?

It is funny to me that the media is playing right into Palin's hands. She has publically on more than one occasion stated her lack of respect for the media. So why do they not ignore her? Check out her latest gimmick. This bus tour on the East coast, really? Yes, really, it is right at the beginning of the 2012 Presidential Campaign season. She goes out without giving the press her schedule so now the media is playing "Where's Sarah?", I guess it is the political version of Marco Polo. The point is that this woman loves attention. On one hand she says she doesn't like the media, but on the other hand she thrives off of them. The best thing the media should do is not give her the attention that she swears up and down that she does not want. That must be too much to ask. In fact, I know it is too much to ask because anyone with half a brain can see what is really going on here.

As soon as Palin announces that she is not running for president in 2012 then the spotlight goes dim. Of course I do not know if she is going to run or not, but as of today she is still employed by Fox. This is a sign that she has not notified them that she is running, like Mike Huckabee did a few weeks back. If she was going to run, then she would have to resign from Fox News. It is obvious that she loves the spotlight. Therefore, she is going to keep it on her as long as possible no matter what. Don't get me wrong, I am not mad at Palin's hustle. Any woman that can go from a virtual unknown to worldwide public figure in the amount of time she has gets my props for sure. Look at what she has done since the 2008 election. She has quit her job, wrote a book, become a reality TV star and landed a gig at Fox News. Not to mention the number of paid speaking events she has participated in. This woman has been on her grind and making money hand over fist the past few years. Ironically, these are the same reasons on why I do not think that if she does decide to run for the republican nomination she will not win.

She quit her last elected position. Regardless of the reasons, she did it. I am not aware of anyone else that is attempting to become the next president in 2012 that has actually quit a position that the voters elected them to. That one fact alone will be her achilles heel. I personally will not vote for someone that quit their last job that was smaller in scale than the one they are applying for. She quit being the govenor of Alaska and yet you think you can handle being the President of the United States. What if you are wrong? Will you quit that too?      

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