The movie starts out with Rachel (Goodwin) walking into her own surprise party thrown by Darcy (Hudson) where she is quite obviously not truly surprised. In the scenes that follow and throughout the movie you see that the girls have been really close friends for a long long time. We also learn that Darcy is engaged to marry Dex (Egglesfield), Rachel’s good friend and study partner from law school. We soon learn that the catch here is that Rachel and Dex are obviously in love with each other and the only reason they are not together is because Rachel assumed she didn’t deserve him and passed him off to Darcy years ago. This brings me to my point for today. Right now we live in this airbrushed, skinny model bitch, this is what we should look like type world. The fact is most women don’t look like this. We let our insecurities tell us we’re not pretty or smart or good enough in whatever way(s) to get what we want out of life. Ladies, I’m not just talking about getting that cute man you’ve been eying. I’m talking about jobs, promotions, and yes of course that mate you are too shy to go for.
Some of you are saying well wait this is a romantic comedy of course she gets the guy and vice versa. I realize this. That is not the point. The point is that she should have gone for it years ago. She knew how she felt and didn’t act on it. I know we’re all guilty of looking up and realizing we missed a chance because we were too slow to act on it. I’m not trying to chastise anyone because lord knows I’m the queen of it. I really just want to inspire you to know that you are all beautiful and capable and deserve what you want. Don’t stop trying. Oh and go see Something Borrowed it’s a good movie and even the men in the audience seemed to really like it. Hudson is hilarious as the shallow but needy Darcy. Colin Egglesfield is a good looking dude for you ladies who need some eye candy. The scenes with John Krasinski are some of the funniest ones in the movie.
1 comment:
Thanks for sharing your thoughts about this movie! I'll check it out soon.
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