Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Junk Food vs. the World

Ok I don’t know about you guys but I am so tired of how litigious our society has become. We sue at the drop of a hat. There are people that go to great lengths of hoping for something they can sue for so they can get their millions and quit their job. Some people even go so far as to create the situations falsely. We all remember the lady who “found’ a severed finger in her Wendy’s meal a few years ago and came out later and admitted she planted it there so she could sue. This woman was so selfishly wrapped up in her get rich quick scheme that she ignored who might get punished or fired or even simply be let go in connection with her false accusation.

Most recently I am hearing about the story of a woman who is suing McDonalds because in short she herself is a crappy parent who cannot regulate her child’s television time and food intake. She claims the issue is that her kids see the commercials on TV and that they are advertising to the kids not the parents. Seems she should simply be able to tell the kids no. If they don’t listen or continue to protest or beg this is not the fault of McDonalds or any other company. In the end they are YOUR kids and you have the final say on what you feed them.

There are plenty of parents whose kids don’t get to eat fast food or drink sodas at all or if they do it’s rare. I know it's hard to imagine, but there are people who have managed to overcome the evil McDonald’s commercials on the TV and simply told their kids NO. That or they have raised them eating healthy food so they won’t even want to touch fast food.

The thought process behind lawsuits of this nature is in my opinion dangerous. It illustrates a growing sense of entitlement in people since the woman is saying “nothing I don’t want my kids to see should be broadcast on TV”. In a previous post my fellow blogger Bobbi Jean stated that she watches certain things with her kids instead of simply blocking it and wanting them to think it doesn’t exist. She does this so she can explain things to her kids rather than sweeping them under the rug for them to be shocked by later when they have to deal with it on their own. Wouldn’t it make more sense to say to your kids, like with anything else you’re saying no to, well we cannot eat that all the time because it is not good for you. The bottom line here is if you can’t tell your kids no to something and then deal with it with the child or children then your problem is much greater than what McDonalds puts in its commercials and happy meals to lure children to them. It also raises the question if you can’t say no to a happy meal how are you going to teach them right from wrong about any and everything else they may come across. You won’t be able to always remove your children from situations or people they shouldn’t be influenced by. As a parent, you have to make yourself a stronger influence in their life. Don’t let a stupid commercial for some junk food and a toy that will break an hour after they get it overrule your say so as a parent.

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