Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!!!

The ladies of Real.Life.Woman.Talk. would like to say Happy New Year to our readers! We are excited about 2012 and all that it has in store for all of us. You will begin seeing the blog undergo a face lift so to speak along with new tabs which will include one for you to contact us. We want our readers to give us direct feedback on how we are doing and assist with our 2012 planning process for content. The idea of this blog is that it isn't a blog for a few women but a blog for ALL women. We are going to start up our monthly Amazon gift card contest giveaway this month so please make sure you come back to our blog on a regular basis for information regarding this "freebie" giveaway. This is just one of the changes we are implenting in 2012 so please come back!

In addition to seeking reader input on content we are looking to add guest bloggers in 2012. If you know anyone that may need a platform to share their viewpoint then please forward them right here. A guest blogger will be given an opportunity to write on their own schedule based on what they have to say. We ask that you pass the word about the blog to other women that you know. This year is going to be exciting for us and we want to spread the fun to as many women as we can!

1 comment:

mikaj said...

Looking forward to what you have in store! Happy New Year!