What is wrong with me, Am I not deserving of true love? Did I do something in my past life that I am paying for? Is it that I am to heavy? Are my teeth an issue? It seems like I’m good enough to be a shoulder to cry on, but during times in my life I’m in pain, I just end up with a tissue. Sometimes I feel like I am being left behind while everyone else is shining. I want desperately to be loved unconditionally but all that I’m ever faced with is conditions. What is so wrong with me, I have the heart of a giant overflowing with compassion. My heart is made of gold but it’s still worthless. How many times am I going to be looked over? What is wrong with me? Is it because I am not good at playing games, not willing to compromise my character and integrity? Is it because I don’t feel like weave and fine clothes define me? What is wrong with me? Is it that I lack earning potential and my resume is basic, or is it when you google me there are no traces, what is wrong with me? Is it because I am a single mother with two children struggling to survive, or is it because I don’t have a big name and no one knows that I’m alive? Is it because I care too much and have expectations of how things are suppose to be and refuse to settle? What is wrong with me? Is it because I’d rather be viewed as humble? Is it because there have been so many things in my life that have caused me to stumble? What is wrong with me? Is it that I am doomed to be alone and need to stop listening to love songs? Is it because I’ve been torn down to my lowest having the hardest time trying to focus, what is wrong with me?
There is nothing wrong with me. It’s just not my time. I have to be patient and waiting for what’s mine. I am beautiful inside out and a real man will recognize and know exactly what I’m about. There is nothing wrong with me. Just because I have been used and abused doesn’t mean that anything is wrong with me. So what I have two children and barely making ends meet, there is nothing wrong with me. So what I carry a little extra weight and my teeth are not straight, there is nothing wrong with me. God is preparing me for my wonderful gift and I just have to believe. I am a child of the King and he only wants what’s best for me, there is nothing wrong with me. God is perfecting me, preparing me for one of his son’s that he has just for me, he doesn’t want me to settle for feeling empty…There is nothing wrong with me.
All of those innocuous things that I have mentioned are nothing more or nothing less than giving the devil to much attention and the other thoughts he plants are not even worth the mention. God is not going to have me wasting anymore of my time on frivolous deeds because there is nothing wrong with me. There is nothing wrong with anyone of us who feels or has felt like this before.
We as ladies have to learn how to wait on the Lord and take him at his word. God says that all of us are wonderfully and perfectly made in his image. He doesn’t want us to settle for being partially loved but loved fully as he describes in his word. Don’t rush it, if it’s meant to be it will happen but first and foremost know and understand that there is nothing wrong with you, that you already have an unconditional love and it is in him. Its’ okay to FEEL alone but it’s best to KNOW that you are not!!! He is here with you and so am I. Be Blessed…
Amen! I will share this article with a friend that is in this place right now. Thank you!!
Thank you!! I write to be a blessing to others. To let people know that they are not alone with whatever it is that they are struggling with. Let your friend know that prayer, determination and time can and will heal all wounds. I know because it's worked for me. Be Blessed.
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