Friday, April 1, 2011

We Are Every Woman…

If this blog could have a theme song, it would be “I Am Every Woman” by the great Chaka Khan. This is because the concept was created by a group of women that are from all walks of life. Their life experiences have brought them all to this one place called Real Talk Real Women for one main reason. What is that reason? That is simple; it is because they are sick and tired of being sick of tired with the media outlets of today. Greed and self interest have taken over and the truth has taken a backseat. With that being said, these women have decided to stop complaining and do something. That something is called Real Talk Real Women! They agreed that this forum will be dedicated to the truth. I am sure you have heard that before, right? Well the difference between what you have heard before and what you will read here is that everyone will write about their own experiences. This is real talk, the truth, straight from the horse’s mouth. The post on this blog is not from reporters or any other type of journalist. The post on this blog are from your next door neighbor, the person behind you in the grocery store, the driver of the car you cut off in traffic, someone you sat next to on your last flight, the…well you get the point. These women are fearless. I will wrap up this first post by giving you a mini public service announcement: “Do not be surprised by anything you may read on this blog. There will not be any topics that are off limits!” In the game of life, experiences will always trump assumptions.

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