Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I Pulled Out My Gray Hair, Now What...

Yesterday, I did it! I committed the one sin that I have been told as a woman that I should NEVER EVER, NEVER EVER do! What is that? I pulled out a gray hair. Ok, since I am confessing here, let me be honest. I pulled out three gray hairs, yes I said it THREE FREAKING GRAY HAIRS! So now according to the old wives tales that I have been hearing all of my life, I should expect a total of six more gray hairs to grow in the place of the three I pulled out. You know the saying, if you pull out a gray hair, two more will grow in its place. Oh, what is a girl to do now?

I have prided myself on having natural beauty and thus do not wear much make-up, color contacts or put chemicals in my hair. In my opinion, less has always been more when it comes to my beauty regimen. However, now with the realization that I am getting gray hair, I am now at a crossroads with what to do next. Do I go gray gracefully or start checking out the hair dye? I have never dyed my hair, so then my delima becomes, do I color it to match my natural color or not? Decisions, decisions, decisions... My norm has always been go the safe route, but now that I am a little older and somewhat wiser, I am stepping out of that safe box a little more. Therefore, I am seriously considering going for a bold hair color. Why not? I think that instead of trying to pretend that I do not have gray hair and dying it the same color would be a waste of a opportunity.

Opportunity? What opportunity? I am speaking of the opportunity to step outside my comfort zone. I think it is easy for all of us to get complacent at times. I know this blog post is about hair but technically for me its a little more than that. I am the queen of "the daily routine" and do not like too many things to break up the monotony. This gray hair has done exactly that. This self discovery has caused me to take a longer look at my "why" and "how" approach in general to life. With this self discovery the opportunity to improve has presented itself and I am going to open the door wide open to allow it in! Of course, I will keep my blog readers in the loop on what I decide so please stay tuned.

"Life loses its meaning when we get stuck up in comfort zone." - M.K. Soni

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