Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Constructive Criticism Amongst Friends...

Hello Ladies,
It has been a while since I have written anything on the blog, but there has been something that has been lingering on my mind in regards to how we communicate constructive criticism to our girlfriends. 
Have you ever had a friend that was obviously headed down a wrong path?  I know that we ourselves are not saints, but I’m referring to a time that you can remember when one of your girlfriend’s gauges was completely off…so off that it caught the attention of more than just you.
I’m no licensed psychologist, but I do think that proper communication is a healthy component of any relationship.  Now insert you and one of your best girlfriends, and a little constructive criticism from you to her, and what is the result?  It could be a complete mess if the information isn’t communicated properly.  I think that men easily communicate with each other.  I hear my husband tell stories that make me laugh hysterically about constructive criticism from him to his friends and vice versa.  So what do you do when your friend has put on a little weight and doesn’t look right in her dress, or you can see her muffin top peeping out over her skinny jeans as you all are headed out for a night on the town.  The conversation gets even more complicated when you need to express something that she may perceive as negative about her man.  Does he not treat her well?  Is he cheating on her, and do you have proof?  Or the dreaded “girl he’s just not that into you” conversation.  I’m at a place in my life where I’ve taken to just listening.  I’ve found out that some girls can be sensitive (no, I’m not referring to anyone in particular), and I’ve got my own problems, so some conversations just aren’t worth it.  That’s my opinion this month, anyway.
However, as always, I want to hear from you ladies.  How you do handle those not-so-fun conversations with your girlfriends?  Do you let it all hang out and tell her what’s really on your mind, or do you shy away, and let her figure things out on her own? 
I can’t wait to see the responses!
Until next time,

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