Thursday, August 11, 2011

Should Mom's Have A Vacation?

The title of this post is a question but honestly, I know the answer is YES! However, I am hearing more and more women that feel guilty about leaving their children to "enjoy" themselves for a weekend or a week.  What is wrong with this picture? I rarely hear men say they feel bad about going away with their wives, friends or anyone for that matter when it is time to leave the kids behind for a few days. It is usually their wives that are worried and calling to check on the kids a thousand times, right? As women we need to learn to let go and enjoy ourselves.

If it is imperative that we get our 15 to 30 minutes a day to have some "me" time, so how come it isn't just as important to have a "vacate"?  It is important that we take a few days to just be ourselves. We need to have time to not be "mommy" for just a moment without feeling any guilt. There are 365 days in a year. As long as we leave our children in capable hands then we should be free to let go, even if it is just for one night. I am serious, start out slow with a night out then move on to a long weekend. After your kids get older, then extend it out a little until you get to the point of a week away or more! Trust me, when you get back home you will be on top of the world and REFRESHED!
My friends and I have decided to take at least one adult only vacation a year. In addition to that, we will are planning to take joint vacations with the children too. This way the kids are included. I will let you in on a little secret, some of the children look forward to the mom's going away on vacation. I know that couldn't possibly be your children (smile). I know I wasn't terribly upset when my mom went on vacation. I was able to go to my Grandparent's house where I was spoiled rotten. Yeah, that is just the pits. Getting almost everything I wanted and enjoying every moment of my mom being away. Give yourself and your children a break, even if it is just for a day.

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