Sunday, May 15, 2011

I Guess It Comes Down To A Simple Choice

Listen up! What I am about to write here is not new information but more and more I am noticing people forgetting about it. In the day of the 24 news cycle, instant gratification, and on demand programming it seems as if people are becoming more sedentary. It is not just the fact that kids do not go outside and play anymore but adults do not do anything either. Look at the rise in reality television shows. I am not speaking of the ones that are competition base where there is money or some other sort of incentive on the line. I am speaking of the reality shows that show train wrecks in progress, like Bad Girls Club and Jersey Shore for examples. Why is it so popular in households today to watch other people living their lives? I don't care what the content of the reality show but the fact that ratings are so high is scary in my book.

We are only on this earth for a short period of time and the fact that more people are losing hours off their lives by watching programs that follow people around that are actually living their own is crazy. I am not speaking about everyone because you do still have some people that stay active and do not watch alot of television but those numbers are dwindling. At what point do we just stop living life? Is it when we start working? Is it when you start having a family of your own? I am not sure but I know I am trying to reverse that trend for myself. I am finished with sitting around watching television all the time. I am finished with allowing the rat race to stress me out. It has taken too long for me to realize that all I needed to know about living my life I learned from The Shawshank Redemption. When Andy was speaking to Red and told him that "I guess it comes down to a simple choice, really: get busy living or get busy dying" it was enough for me. Unfortunately, I didn't listen that well back in 1994.

I get it now. So with that I vow not to allow the world to influence me to the point that I neglect the real people that are in my life. I will not cancel time with friends and love ones just so I can play a game, watch a Lifetime movie, or anything else that does not involve human interaction. Living life without human interaction is not living. My new top priority is living life and enjoying the people in it. Sorry to tell everyone that Snooki doesn't care if you are living your life or not. She is and she is being well compensated for it. My point is that we are making the wrong things a priority in our lives. We need to stop it and start living today, otherwise prepare for dying because sitting on the couch and doing nothing is definitely not living.

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