Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!!

Tonight I spent the evening with my 2nd mother and most of her other children. To understand my friend you should know that she is with every fiber of her being a mother. This is just the dynamic that she usually takes on with most of her friends. The cool thing about a “mom” like this is of course you get to choose each other. You got to meet this person and say “ok is this person worth letting into my life? Do they care about me? Would they be there in hard times if I needed them?” . If the answer to any of these questions was no well then you know how to classify that relationship. Now a lot of us (myself definitely included) are very blessed to have the mothers that God gave us, but others are just not as lucky.
From many sources I keep hearing these horror stories about people who maybe should have thought twice about bringing kids into the world. The world is a better place with kids in it. It’s just sad when you hear stories about parents who just could not do it. I won’t judge these women because everyone’s situation is different. I will simply say that some parents sadly just do not deserve the kids they bring into the world. I say this not to bring everyone down but to make those of us with good parents or even just good moms really appreciate who and what you have in that person.
I thank God every day that he gave me the mother that he did. She is a beautiful intelligent woman who taught me and continues to teach me so much. She taught me to be proud but never look down on others. To strive for greatness but never forget where you come from. It is because of her love and nurturing that not only was I extremely blessed but that I realize and truly appreciate what all she has done for me.
I really wish we all could experience a true mother’s love. It makes the world seem like a nicer place when you know you can go home to your mom and know she’s going to take good care of you. Today and every single day and night I want to give a shout out to all the moms out there. I know you are truly appreciated and needed and I hope you know that too.

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